CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 16
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 16 (1997-10-16)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-11].iso
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/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1995 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
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or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
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License (the "License") for full details.
Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
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all copies.
/* store.h */
/* Assignment-related macros */
#include "ialloc.h" /* for imemory masks & checks */
* Macros for storing a ref. We use macros for storing into objects,
* since the storage manager needs to be able to track stores for
* save/restore and also for global/local checking.
* We also use macros for other ref assignments, because (as it happens)
* Turbo C generates pretty awful code for doing this.
* There are three cases that we need to distinguish:
* - Storing to a stack (no special action);
* - Storing into a newly created object (set l_new);
* - Storing into a slot of an existing object (check l_new in
* old value, set in new value).
* The macros are called
* <make/store><new_type><case>(place_to_store, new_value)
* where <case> is nothing for storing to the stack, _new for storing into
* a new object, and _old for storing into an existing object.
* (The _old macros also take a client name for tracing and debugging.)
* <new_type> and new_value are chosen from the following alternatives:
* ref_assign POINTER TO arbitrary ref
* make_t type (only for null and mark)
* make_tv type, value field name, value
* (only for scalars, which don't have attributes)
* make_tav type, attributes, value field name, value
* make_tasv type, attributes, size, value field name, value
* There are also specialized make_ macros for specific types:
* make_array, make_int, make_real, make_bool, make_false, make_true,
* make_mark, make_null, make_oper, make_[const_]string, make_struct.
* Not all of the specialized make_ macros have _new and _old variants.
* For _tav and _tasv, we must store the value first, because sometimes
* it depends on the contents of the place being stored into.
* Note that for composite objects (dictionary, file, array, string, device,
* struct), we must set a_foreign if the contents are allocated statically
* (e.g., for constant C strings) or not by the Ghostscript allocator
* (e.g., with malloc).
* Define the most efficient ref assignment macro for the platform.
* Assigning the components individually is fastest on Turbo C,
* and on Watcom C when one or both of the addresses are
* already known or in a register.
#define ref_assign_inline(pto,pfrom)\
((pto)->value = (pfrom)->value,\
(pto)->tas = (pfrom)->tas)
#ifdef __TURBOC__
* Move the data in two 32-bit chunks, because
* otherwise the compiler calls SCOPY@.
* The cast to void is to discourage the compiler from
* wanting to deliver the value of the expression.
# define ref_assign(pto,pfrom)\
discard(ref_assign_inline(pto, pfrom))
* Trust the compiler and hope for the best.
* The MIPS compiler doesn't like the cast to void.
# define ref_assign(pto,pfrom)\
(*(pto) = *(pfrom))
/****** NOTE: the following declarations are duplicated from isave.h. ******/
int alloc_save_change(P4(gs_dual_memory_t *, const ref *pcont,
ref_packed *ptr, client_name_t cname));
int alloc_save_level(P1(const gs_dual_memory_t *));
/****** END duplicated declarations. ******/
#define ialloc_save_change(pcont, ptr, cname)\
alloc_save_change(idmemory, pcont, ptr, cname)
#define ialloc_is_in_save() (idmemory->save_level > 0)
#define ialloc_test_mask (idmemory->test_mask)
#define ialloc_new_mask (idmemory->new_mask)
#define ref_must_save(pto)\
((r_type_attrs(pto) & ialloc_test_mask) == 0)
#define ref_do_save(pcont, pto, cname)\
ialloc_save_change(pcont, (ref_packed *)(pto), cname)
#define ref_save(pcont, pto, cname)\
discard((ref_must_save(pto) ? ref_do_save(pcont, pto, cname) : 0))
#define ref_mark_new(pto) ((pto)->tas.type_attrs |= ialloc_new_mask)
#define ref_assign_new(pto,pfrom)\
discard((ref_assign(pto,pfrom), ref_mark_new(pto)))
#define ref_assign_new_inline(pto,pfrom)\
discard((ref_assign_inline(pto,pfrom), ref_mark_new(pto)))
#define ref_assign_old(pcont,pto,pfrom,cname)\
(ref_save(pcont,pto,cname), ref_assign_new(pto,pfrom))
#define ref_assign_old_inline(pcont,pto,pfrom,cname)\
(ref_save(pcont,pto,cname), ref_assign_new_inline(pto,pfrom))
/* ref_mark_old is only needed in very unusual situations, namely, */
/* when we want to do a ref_save just before a save instead of */
/* when the actual assignment occurs. */
#define ref_mark_old(pto) ((pto)->tas.type_attrs &= ~ialloc_new_mask)
/* Define macros for conditionally clearing the parts of a ref */
/* that aren't being set to anything useful. */
#ifdef DEBUG
# define and_fill_s(pref)\
, (gs_debug['$'] ? r_set_size(pref, 0xfeed) : 0)
# define and_fill_sv(pref)\
, (gs_debug['$'] ? (r_set_size(pref, 0xfeed),\
(pref)->value.intval = 0xdeadbeef) : 0)
#else /* !DEBUG */
# define and_fill_s(pref) /* */
# define and_fill_sv(pref) /* */
/* make_t must set the attributes to 0 to clear a_local! */
#define make_t(pref,newtype)\
(r_set_type_attrs(pref, newtype, 0) and_fill_sv(pref))
#define make_t_new(pref,newtype)\
(r_set_type_attrs(pref, newtype, ialloc_new_mask) and_fill_sv(pref))
#define make_t_old(pcont,pref,newtype,cname)\
(ref_save(pcont,pref,cname), make_t_new(pref,newtype))
#define make_tav(pref,newtype,newattrs,valfield,newvalue)\
((pref)->value.valfield = (newvalue),\
r_set_type_attrs(pref, newtype, newattrs)\
#define make_tav_new(pref,t,a,vf,v)\
#define make_tav_old(pcont,pref,t,a,vf,v,cname)\
(ref_save(pcont,pref,cname), make_tav_new(pref,t,a,vf,v))
#define make_tv(pref,newtype,valfield,newvalue)\
#define make_tv_new(pref,t,vf,v)\
#define make_tv_old(pcont,pref,t,vf,v,cname)\
#define make_tasv(pref,newtype,newattrs,newsize,valfield,newvalue)\
((pref)->value.valfield = (newvalue),\
r_set_type_attrs(pref, newtype, newattrs),\
r_set_size(pref, newsize))
#define make_tasv_new(pref,t,a,s,vf,v)\
#define make_tasv_old(pcont,pref,t,a,s,vf,v,cname)\
(ref_save(pcont,pref,cname), make_tasv_new(pref,t,a,s,vf,v))
/* Type-specific constructor macros for scalar (non-composite) types */
#define make_bool(pref,bval)\
make_tv(pref, t_boolean, boolval, bval)
#define make_false(pref)\
make_bool(pref, 0)
#define make_true(pref)\
make_bool(pref, 1)
#define make_int(pref,ival)\
make_tv(pref, t_integer, intval, ival)
#define make_int_new(pref,ival)\
make_tv_new(pref, t_integer, intval, ival)
#define make_mark(pref)\
make_t(pref, t_mark)
#define make_null(pref)\
make_t(pref, t_null)
#define make_null_new(pref)\
make_t_new(pref, t_null)
#define make_null_old(pcont,pref,cname)\
make_t_old(pcont, pref, t_null, cname)
#define make_oper(pref,opidx,proc)\
make_tasv(pref, t_operator, a_executable, opidx, opproc, proc)
#define make_real(pref,rval)\
make_tv(pref, t_real, realval, rval)
#define make_real_new(pref,rval)\
make_tv_new(pref, t_real, realval, rval)
/* Type-specific constructor macros for composite types */
/* For composite types, the a_space field is relevant; however, */
/* as noted in ivmspace.h, a value of 0 designates the most static space, */
/* so for making empty composites, a space value of 0 is appropriate. */
#define make_array(pref,attrs,size,elts)\
make_tasv(pref, t_array, attrs, size, refs, elts)
#define make_array_new(pref,attrs,size,elts)\
make_tasv_new(pref, t_array, attrs, size, refs, elts)
#define make_const_array(pref,attrs,size,elts)\
make_tasv(pref, t_array, attrs, size, const_refs, elts)
#define make_empty_array(pref,attrs)\
make_array(pref, attrs, 0, (ref *)NULL)
#define make_empty_const_array(pref,attrs)\
make_const_array(pref, attrs, 0, (const ref *)NULL)
#define make_string(pref,attrs,size,chars)\
make_tasv(pref, t_string, attrs, size, bytes, chars)
#define make_const_string(pref,attrs,size,chars)\
make_tasv(pref, t_string, attrs, size, const_bytes, chars)
#define make_empty_string(pref,attrs)\
make_string(pref, attrs, 0, (byte *)NULL)
#define make_empty_const_string(pref,attrs)\
make_const_string(pref, attrs, 0, (const byte *)NULL)
#define make_struct(pref,attrs,ptr)\
make_tav(pref, t_struct, attrs, pstruct, (obj_header_t *)(ptr))
#define make_struct_new(pref,attrs,ptr)\
make_tav_new(pref, t_struct, attrs, pstruct, (obj_header_t *)(ptr))
#define make_astruct(pref,attrs,ptr)\
make_tav(pref, t_astruct, attrs, pstruct, (obj_header_t *)(ptr))
#define make_astruct_new(pref,attrs,ptr)\
make_tav_new(pref, t_astruct, attrs, pstruct, (obj_header_t *)(ptr))